Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How to find the perfect weapon

When looking for a weapon that is the best personal weapon for killing zombies, it is important to consider some major factors that need to be thought of.

The first thing that should be put into consideration is how easy it would be to cut through the head of the zombie, because it is essential to quickly and cleanly kill the zombie, and still have enough time to react to any other zombies in close proximity. One weapon that is very good at doing the job is a katana. It is good because no bullets or ammunition are needed, there is no limit on how much time can be spent shooting, and how sharp they are. They are also good because no reload time is needed, and that time it takes  to reload can be deadly.

Another meelee weapon that fills this standard is an axe. It does the same as a sword, but it has a few drawbacks. The first being how the surface are of the sharp part is much smaller than a sword. It also has a heavier weight which can cause a delay between killing, which might equal death.

Short? Medium? Long Range?

     Hey viewers!  Last time we talked about the where and how to survive a zombie apocalypse.  But what happens if you have a face to face encounter with a zombie or five or ten zombies.  You need to be prepared.
     Each person has their own favorite weapon or weapon of choice, but I'll explain the pros and cons of a few in the short, medium, and long ranged categories. I'll start with a sword/spear.  The sword/spear is a short ranged weapon that can be sharpened to high levels allowing one to cripple a zombie in one slice or chop.  The sword is also a stealth weapon.  If you plan on hiding throughout the whole apocalypse, the sword would be the way to go.  If the zombies in our apocalypse happen to respond to sound,  we wouldn't want to attract a hundred others while killing the one in front of us. The major problem with the sword/spear is a person's skill level with his weapon, and his ability to manage a crowd or horde fight.  Not being able to take on five or more zombies will be a man's downfall.
If you or your friends are the running type that hops from location to location running for your lives,  a medium ranged weapon would suffice. Most of the time location hoppers don't need to worry about attracting attention since they are already on the run. So noise does not factor into medium ranged weapons.
These weapons can include assault rifles such as an ak-47, or an M-16.  Each have different accuracy, damage, and range of fire,  but they serve the same purpose.  With one of these, you or your friends can keep yourself at a distance at all times.  A major drawback to a gun is finding ammunition to supply it.  If you run out, you are hopeless in a fight.

     Last of all is the long ranged.  These can include a sniper or very accurate assault rifle. They can be used in any setting, but would best serve anyone in a bunker with lots of open space around them, or in a building shooting at the ground.  With a sniper or hunting rifle, you have the longest ranged weapon available.  This means you are way far away from any hand to hand combat (the only way to die from a zombie attacking you).  Also, it only takes one shot to kill most zombies.  But here is the catch, sniper ammo runs out super quickly.  So don't be unprepared.
Hope to see you guys next time - TM, KR, NB

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Zombie Infectivity

If zombies ever exist, then it would be the most infectious disease that has ever existed, because It would need the properties to rapidly infect the human body after exposure. An example would be if a zombie bites someone, theoretically that person would die and turn into a zombie. This means that the disease would be transmitted from the teeth of a zombie to the exposed skin skin of an un - infected person, and then the virus would quickly spread throughout the body until it reaches the brain, killing the person, then turning them into a zombie after the virus revives their brain. This is really infectious and could be the end of humanity, because it would cause widespread infection and death. Due to the the nature of viruses, this would also stand to reason that if an infected person's blood entered the bloodstream of a normal person's, then that virus would infect infect the normal person's system and lower the immune system, which would be another plausible way of Infection.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Head for the Hills? Or Hit the Ground Running?

     When faced with a zombie apocalypse, knowing what to do is half the battle.  We have already addressed the possibility of zombies every existing, so in the case that the world does encounter a zombie Apocalypse, you need to know where to go.

     All the possibilities of places to hide or run to are almost infinite, but there are only so many types or combinations of elevation, biome, and overall climate.  Some places are already ruled out, such as Mt. Everest or or the Sahara dessert because locations such as theses are either too cold or too hot to live in, and will or might kill you in the process of settling down.  Luckily, there are plenty of other places to be in the world.

     Living out in desolation wilderness is pretty smart, but it does have its drawbacks.  First off, any zombie that would ever be able to get up to you, up there in the mountains, would have to first track you down, and then proceed to make it up the mountain without freezing. (I ruled out Mt. Everest because of how extreme it is.)  So anyone up there is pretty safe.  The problem is getting food and other supplies.  No body has infinite food, gas, or electricity, so they will have to come down eventually to replenish their supplies. And that is where the danger comes in.

     Hiding out in the middle of no-where in the rural back county in Minnesota is also strategically safe and smart.  Sense you are in the middle of no-where, zombies will again have to track you down, which is highly improbable, and you also have natural resources all around you, and you might even be able to support a farm and supply yourself indefinitely.  Making the middle of no-where a better place to hide.

Thanks for reading

Monday, January 27, 2014

Zombies: Will they exist?

     To start off this blog, the topic discussed will be the main idea of this blog, zombies, if they ever will exist. The literal definition of a zombie, is as follows, the body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force, usually for an evil purpose. What this basically states is that a person has to be dead, the brought back, but as a person who has no soul at all, and next-to-no cognitive functions, hence the term, "undead." This also means that a person would have to technically be classified dead, both physically and brain dead. Due to this fact, having zombies in real life would never be real, except for a slight chance.
     For the slight chance for zombies to technically exist, a person would have to die by a virus, and after they die, the virus would have to revive the dying brain and achieve a certain amount of cognitive function and desire to eat. Another factor that makes zombies so un-likely to exist, is the fact that the muscles would be reactivated during the "zombification," even though the body is decaying at a rapid rate. Another factor to add to the already rapidly growing rate, is the fact that a zombie must be able to survive any attack, except for a blow to the brain. This would need all the organs to function seamlessly by themselves without any input or output to the brain. For anyone who knows about human anatomy, the organs in the human body are heavily dependent on the other organs, which are all dependent on the brain.
     All of these factors will prove the point that zombies will never exist, no matter how advanced the virus is, and even if the virus could re-activate the brain, the body is not able to be turned into a zombie, due to the factors explained in this blog. Comment with any un-certainties you may have regarding this topic.