Monday, January 27, 2014

Zombies: Will they exist?

     To start off this blog, the topic discussed will be the main idea of this blog, zombies, if they ever will exist. The literal definition of a zombie, is as follows, the body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force, usually for an evil purpose. What this basically states is that a person has to be dead, the brought back, but as a person who has no soul at all, and next-to-no cognitive functions, hence the term, "undead." This also means that a person would have to technically be classified dead, both physically and brain dead. Due to this fact, having zombies in real life would never be real, except for a slight chance.
     For the slight chance for zombies to technically exist, a person would have to die by a virus, and after they die, the virus would have to revive the dying brain and achieve a certain amount of cognitive function and desire to eat. Another factor that makes zombies so un-likely to exist, is the fact that the muscles would be reactivated during the "zombification," even though the body is decaying at a rapid rate. Another factor to add to the already rapidly growing rate, is the fact that a zombie must be able to survive any attack, except for a blow to the brain. This would need all the organs to function seamlessly by themselves without any input or output to the brain. For anyone who knows about human anatomy, the organs in the human body are heavily dependent on the other organs, which are all dependent on the brain.
     All of these factors will prove the point that zombies will never exist, no matter how advanced the virus is, and even if the virus could re-activate the brain, the body is not able to be turned into a zombie, due to the factors explained in this blog. Comment with any un-certainties you may have regarding this topic.